/* swfobject v2.2 is released under the mit license */ var swfobject = function() { var d = "undefined", r = "object", s = "shockwave flash", w = "shockwaveflash.shockwaveflash", q = "application/x-shockwave-flash", r = "swfobjectexprinst", x = "onreadystatechange", o = window, j = document, t = navigator, t = false, u = [h], o = [], n = [], i = [], l, q, e, b, j = false, a = false, n, g, m = true, m = function() { var aa = typeof j.getelementbyid != d && typeof j.getelementsbytagname != d && typeof j.createelement != d , ah = t.useragent.tolowercase() , y = t.platform.tolowercase() , ae = y ? /win/.test(y) : /win/.test(ah) , ac = y ? /mac/.test(y) : /mac/.test(ah) , af = /webkit/.test(ah) ? parsefloat(ah.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, "$1")) : false , x = !+"\v1" , ag = [0, 0, 0] , ab = null; if (typeof t.plugins != d && typeof t.plugins[s] == r) { ab = t.plugins[s].description; if (ab && !(typeof t.mimetypes != d && t.mimetypes[q] && !t.mimetypes[q].enabledplugin)) { t = true; x = false; ab = ab.replace(/^.*\s+(\s+\s+\s+$)/, "$1"); ag[0] = parseint(ab.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10); ag[1] = parseint(ab.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10); ag[2] = /[a-za-z]/.test(ab) ? parseint(ab.replace(/^.*[a-za-z]+(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0 } } else { if (typeof o.activexobject != d) { try { var ad = new activexobject(w); if (ad) { ab = ad.getvariable("$version"); if (ab) { x = true; ab = ab.split(" ")[1].split(","); ag = [parseint(ab[0], 10), parseint(ab[1], 10), parseint(ab[2], 10)] } } } catch (z) {} } } return { w3: aa, pv: ag, wk: af, ie: x, win: ae, mac: ac } }(), k = function() { if (!m.w3) { return } if ((typeof j.readystate != d && j.readystate == "complete") || (typeof j.readystate == d && (j.getelementsbytagname("body")[0] || j.body))) { f() } if (!j) { if (typeof j.addeventlistener != d) { j.addeventlistener("domcontentloaded", f, false) } if (m.ie && m.win) { j.attachevent(x, function() { if (j.readystate == "complete") { j.detachevent(x, arguments.callee); f() } }); if (o == top) { (function() { if (j) { return } try { j.documentelement.doscroll("left") } catch (x) { settimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return } f() } )() } } if (m.wk) { (function() { if (j) { return } if (!/loaded|complete/.test(j.readystate)) { settimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return } f() } )() } s(f) } }(); function f() { if (j) { return } try { var z = j.getelementsbytagname("body")[0].appendchild(c("span")); z.parentnode.removechild(z) } catch (aa) { return } j = true; var x = u.length; for (var y = 0; y < x; y++) { u[y]() } } function k(x) { if (j) { x() } else { u[u.length] = x } } function s(y) { if (typeof o.addeventlistener != d) { o.addeventlistener("load", y, false) } else { if (typeof j.addeventlistener != d) { j.addeventlistener("load", y, false) } else { if (typeof o.attachevent != d) { i(o, "onload", y) } else { if (typeof o.onload == "function") { var x = o.onload; o.onload = function() { x(); y() } } else { o.onload = y } } } } } function h() { if (t) { v() } else { h() } } function v() { var x = j.getelementsbytagname("body")[0]; var aa = c(r); aa.setattribute("type", q); var z = x.appendchild(aa); if (z) { var y = 0; (function() { if (typeof z.getvariable != d) { var ab = z.getvariable("$version"); if (ab) { ab = ab.split(" ")[1].split(","); m.pv = [parseint(ab[0], 10), parseint(ab[1], 10), parseint(ab[2], 10)] } } else { if (y < 10) { y++; settimeout(arguments.callee, 10); return } } x.removechild(aa); z = null; h() } )() } else { h() } } function h() { var ag = o.length; if (ag > 0) { for (var af = 0; af < ag; af++) { var y = o[af].id; var ab = o[af].callbackfn; var aa = { success: false, id: y }; if (m.pv[0] > 0) { var ae = c(y); if (ae) { if (f(o[af].swfversion) && !(m.wk && m.wk < 312)) { w(y, true); if (ab) { aa.success = true; aa.ref = z(y); ab(aa) } } else { if (o[af].expressinstall && a()) { var ai = {}; ai.data = o[af].expressinstall; ai.width = ae.getattribute("width") || "0"; ai.height = ae.getattribute("height") || "0"; if (ae.getattribute("class")) { ai.styleclass = ae.getattribute("class") } if (ae.getattribute("align")) { ai.align = ae.getattribute("align") } var ah = {}; var x = ae.getelementsbytagname("param"); var ac = x.length; for (var ad = 0; ad < ac; ad++) { if (x[ad].getattribute("name").tolowercase() != "movie") { ah[x[ad].getattribute("name")] = x[ad].getattribute("value") } } p(ai, ah, y, ab) } else { p(ae); if (ab) { ab(aa) } } } } } else { w(y, true); if (ab) { var z = z(y); if (z && typeof z.setvariable != d) { aa.success = true; aa.ref = z } ab(aa) } } } } } function z(aa) { var x = null; var y = c(aa); if (y && y.nodename == "object") { if (typeof y.setvariable != d) { x = y } else { var z = y.getelementsbytagname(r)[0]; if (z) { x = z } } } return x } function a() { return !a && f("6.0.65") && (m.win || m.mac) && !(m.wk && m.wk < 312) } function p(aa, ab, x, z) { a = true; e = z || null; b = { success: false, id: x }; var ae = c(x); if (ae) { if (ae.nodename == "object") { l = g(ae); q = null } else { l = ae; q = x } aa.id = r; if (typeof aa.width == d || (!/%$/.test(aa.width) && parseint(aa.width, 10) < 310)) { aa.width = "310" } if (typeof aa.height == d || (!/%$/.test(aa.height) && parseint(aa.height, 10) < 137)) { aa.height = "137" } j.title = j.title.slice(0, 47) + " - flash player installation"; var ad = m.ie && m.win ? "activex" : "plugin" , ac = "mmredirecturl=" + o.location.tostring().replace(/&/g, "%26") + "&mmplayertype=" + ad + "&mmdoctitle=" + j.title; if (typeof ab.flashvars != d) { ab.flashvars += "&" + ac } else { ab.flashvars = ac } if (m.ie && m.win && ae.readystate != 4) { var y = c("div"); x += "swfobjectnew"; y.setattribute("id", x); ae.parentnode.insertbefore(y, ae); ae.style.display = "none"; (function() { if (ae.readystate == 4) { ae.parentnode.removechild(ae) } else { settimeout(arguments.callee, 10) } } )() } u(aa, ab, x) } } function p(y) { if (m.ie && m.win && y.readystate != 4) { var x = c("div"); y.parentnode.insertbefore(x, y); x.parentnode.replacechild(g(y), x); y.style.display = "none"; (function() { if (y.readystate == 4) { y.parentnode.removechild(y) } else { settimeout(arguments.callee, 10) } } )() } else { y.parentnode.replacechild(g(y), y) } } function g(ab) { var aa = c("div"); if (m.win && m.ie) { aa.innerhtml = ab.innerhtml } else { var y = ab.getelementsbytagname(r)[0]; if (y) { var ad = y.childnodes; if (ad) { var x = ad.length; for (var z = 0; z < x; z++) { if (!(ad[z].nodetype == 1 && ad[z].nodename == "param") && !(ad[z].nodetype == 8)) { aa.appendchild(ad[z].clonenode(true)) } } } } } return aa } function u(ai, ag, y) { var x, aa = c(y); if (m.wk && m.wk < 312) { return x } if (aa) { if (typeof ai.id == d) { ai.id = y } if (m.ie && m.win) { var ah = ""; for (var ae in ai) { if (ai[ae] != object.prototype[ae]) { if (ae.tolowercase() == "data") { ag.movie = ai[ae] } else { if (ae.tolowercase() == "styleclass") { ah += ' class="' + ai[ae] + '"' } else { if (ae.tolowercase() != "classid") { ah += " " + ae + '="' + ai[ae] + '"' } } } } } var af = ""; for (var ad in ag) { if (ag[ad] != object.prototype[ad]) { af += '' } } aa.outerhtml = '" + af + ""; n[n.length] = ai.id; x = c(ai.id) } else { var z = c(r); z.setattribute("type", q); for (var ac in ai) { if (ai[ac] != object.prototype[ac]) { if (ac.tolowercase() == "styleclass") { z.setattribute("class", ai[ac]) } else { if (ac.tolowercase() != "classid") { z.setattribute(ac, ai[ac]) } } } } for (var ab in ag) { if (ag[ab] != object.prototype[ab] && ab.tolowercase() != "movie") { e(z, ab, ag[ab]) } } aa.parentnode.replacechild(z, aa); x = z } } return x } function e(z, x, y) { var aa = c("param"); aa.setattribute("name", x); aa.setattribute("value", y); z.appendchild(aa) } function y(y) { var x = c(y); if (x && x.nodename == "object") { if (m.ie && m.win) { x.style.display = "none"; (function() { if (x.readystate == 4) { b(y) } else { settimeout(arguments.callee, 10) } } )() } else { x.parentnode.removechild(x) } } } function b(z) { var y = c(z); if (y) { for (var x in y) { if (typeof y[x] == "function") { y[x] = null } } y.parentnode.removechild(y) } } function c(z) { var x = null; try { x = j.getelementbyid(z) } catch (y) {} return x } function c(x) { return j.createelement(x) } function i(z, x, y) { z.attachevent(x, y); i[i.length] = [z, x, y] } function f(z) { var y = m.pv , x = z.split("."); x[0] = parseint(x[0], 10); x[1] = parseint(x[1], 10) || 0; x[2] = parseint(x[2], 10) || 0; return (y[0] > x[0] || (y[0] == x[0] && y[1] > x[1]) || (y[0] == x[0] && y[1] == x[1] && y[2] >= x[2])) ? true : false } function v(ac, y, ad, ab) { if (m.ie && m.mac) { return } var aa = j.getelementsbytagname("head")[0]; if (!aa) { return } var x = (ad && typeof ad == "string") ? ad : "screen"; if (ab) { n = null; g = null } if (!n || g != x) { var z = c("style"); z.setattribute("type", "text/css"); z.setattribute("media", x); n = aa.appendchild(z); if (m.ie && m.win && typeof j.stylesheets != d && j.stylesheets.length > 0) { n = j.stylesheets[j.stylesheets.length - 1] } g = x } if (m.ie && m.win) { if (n && typeof n.addrule == r) { n.addrule(ac, y) } } else { if (n && typeof j.createtextnode != d) { n.appendchild(j.createtextnode(ac + " {" + y + "}")) } } } function w(z, x) { if (!m) { return } var y = x ? "visible" : "hidden"; if (j && c(z)) { c(z).style.visibility = y } else { v("#" + z, "visibility:" + y) } } function l(y) { var z = /[\\\"<>\.;]/; var x = z.exec(y) != null; return x && typeof encodeuricomponent != d ? encodeuricomponent(y) : y } var d = function() { if (m.ie && m.win) { window.attachevent("onunload", function() { var ac = i.length; for (var ab = 0; ab < ac; ab++) { i[ab][0].detachevent(i[ab][1], i[ab][2]) } var z = n.length; for (var aa = 0; aa < z; aa++) { y(n[aa]) } for (var y in m) { m[y] = null } m = null; for (var x in swfobject) { swfobject[x] = null } swfobject = null }) } }(); return { registerobject: function(ab, x, aa, z) { if (m.w3 && ab && x) { var y = {}; y.id = ab; y.swfversion = x; y.expressinstall = aa; y.callbackfn = z; o[o.length] = y; w(ab, false) } else { if (z) { z({ success: false, id: ab }) } } }, getobjectbyid: function(x) { if (m.w3) { return z(x) } }, embedswf: function(ab, ah, ae, ag, y, aa, z, ad, af, ac) { var x = { success: false, id: ah }; if (m.w3 && !(m.wk && m.wk < 312) && ab && ah && ae && ag && y) { w(ah, false); k(function() { ae += ""; ag += ""; var aj = {}; if (af && typeof af === r) { for (var al in af) { aj[al] = af[al] } } aj.data = ab; aj.width = ae; aj.height = ag; var am = {}; if (ad && typeof ad === r) { for (var ak in ad) { am[ak] = ad[ak] } } if (z && typeof z === r) { for (var ai in z) { if (typeof am.flashvars != d) { am.flashvars += "&" + ai + "=" + z[ai] } else { am.flashvars = ai + "=" + z[ai] } } } if (f(y)) { var an = u(aj, am, ah); if (aj.id == ah) { w(ah, true) } x.success = true; x.ref = an } else { if (aa && a()) { aj.data = aa; p(aj, am, ah, ac); return } else { w(ah, true) } } if (ac) { ac(x) } }) } else { if (ac) { ac(x) } } }, switchoffautohideshow: function() { m = false }, ua: m, getflashplayerversion: function() { return { major: m.pv[0], minor: m.pv[1], release: m.pv[2] } }, hasflashplayerversion: f, createswf: function(z, y, x) { if (m.w3) { return u(z, y, x) } else { return undefined } }, showexpressinstall: function(z, aa, x, y) { if (m.w3 && a()) { p(z, aa, x, y) } }, removeswf: function(x) { if (m.w3) { y(x) } }, createcss: function(aa, z, y, x) { if (m.w3) { v(aa, z, y, x) } }, adddomloadevent: k, addloadevent: s, getqueryparamvalue: function(aa) { var z = j.location.search || j.location.hash; if (z) { if (/\?/.test(z)) { z = z.split("?")[1] } if (aa == null) { return l(z) } var y = z.split("&"); for (var x = 0; x < y.length; x++) { if (y[x].substring(0, y[x].indexof("=")) == aa) { return l(y[x].substring((y[x].indexof("=") + 1))) } } } return "" }, expressinstallcallback: function() { if (a) { var x = c(r); if (x && l) { x.parentnode.replacechild(l, x); if (q) { w(q, true); if (m.ie && m.win) { l.style.display = "block" } } if (e) { e(b) } } a = false } } } }(); /* fusioncharts javascript library copyright fusioncharts technologies llp license information at @author fusioncharts technologies llp @version fusioncharts/3.2.4-sr1.9888 @attributions (infers respective third-party copyrights) highcharts js v2.1.9 (modified) swfobject v2.2 (modified) json v2 jquery 1.7.1 firebug lite 1.3.0 */ (function(){if(!window.fusioncharts||!window.fusioncharts.version){var a={},h=a.modules={},j=a.interpreters={},e=object.prototype.tostring,i=/msie/i.test(navigator.useragent)&&!window.opera,d=!!document.createelementns&&!!document.createelementns("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","svg").createsvgrect,l=function(a,b){var f,d;if(b instanceof array)for(f=0;f1&&typeof arguments[arguments.length- 1]==="object"&&(delete b[j.stat[arguments.length-1]],a.extend(b,arguments[arguments.length-1]));this.id=typeof b.id==="undefined"?this.id=a.uniqueid():b.id;this.args=b;if(a.core.items[this.id]instanceof a.core)a.raisewarning(this,"06091847","param","",error('a fusionchart oject with the specified id "'+this.id+'" already exists. renaming it to '+(this.id=a.uniqueid())));if(b.type&&b.type.tostring){if(!a.renderer.usersetdefault&&(i||d))b.renderer=b.renderer||"javascript";b.swfurl=((b.swfurl=a.core.options.swfsrcpath|| b.swfsrcpath||a.core.options.scriptbaseuri)?"":b.swfurl+"/")+b.type.replace(/\.swf\s*?$/ig,"")+".swf"}a.parsepolicies(this,a.policies,b);this.attributes.id=this.id;this.resizeto(b.width,b.height,!0);a.raiseevent("beforeinitialize",b,this);a.core.items[this.id]=this;a.raiseevent("initialized",b,this);return this};a.core.prototype={};a.core.prototype.constructor=a.core;a.extend(a.core,{id:"fusioncharts",version:[3,2,4,"sr1",9888],items:{},options:{sensepreferredrenderer:!0},getobjectreference:function(c){return a.core.items[c].ref}}, !1);window.fusioncharts=a.core;window.fusionmaps&&window.fusionmaps.legacy?a.core(["private","modules.core.geo",window.fusionmaps.legacy,window.fusionmaps.version]):!/loaded|complete/.test(document.readystate)&&!document.loaded&&function(){function c(){if(!arguments.callee.done)arguments.callee.done=!0,f&&clearinterval(f),window.fusionmaps&&window.fusionmaps.legacy&&a.core(["private","modules.core.geo",window.fusionmaps.legacy,window.fusionmaps.version]),window.fusionmaps=a.core}document.addeventlistener? document.addeventlistener("domcontentloaded",c,!1):document.attachevent&&window.attachevent("onload",c);if(/msie/i.test(navigator.useragent)&&!window.opera)try{location.protocol==="https:"?document.write('